Fabulous Fur Friends

Must Love Animals


With a Spring in her Step

Spring has definitely sprung this weekend and it brings to an end a big week for our New Girl Billie.

After her de-sexing on Monday (see previous blog post Girly Business), she took a couple of days to start eating properly again.  We were getting worried as she was already underweight and was visibly getting thinner.  Her poos were still very runny and some had streaks of blood.  I made some concerned phone calls to the vet and they gave me some different pain killers and some bland food for her to settle the stomach.   Well, it was so bland, she wouldn’t eat it and I can’t blame her – it was like sticky mud – yuk!

So started my week of cooking rice and boiling prime chicken breast fillets.   That got her eating for sure!  But still runny poos and not much of it.

On Saturday Billie had her post op check-up at the vets – once again she was extremely good and won over the staff.

Billie waiting (not always patiently!) at the vet for her post op checkup

Billie has a new fan – Dr Thulz thinks she’s lovely, despite the demonic eye!

Sunday morning arrived (fairly late for us as we’d been out last night!) but it was typical of an early Spring Melbourne Day – a slight breeze, sunshine and the promise of what we can look forward to for the next 6 months – and not before time!

And joy of joys for a sunny Sunday, Billie did a proper, formed poo! I was standing next to her so I know it was hers.  I didn’t think I’d ever be so pleased to see more poo in the garden, but at least I could easily scoop this one up!  She also ate all her breakfast of good quality dry food with some sardines on top.  We have made progress in the health department indeed!

We decided it was time to pack the family into the car (well two cars now there are 3 big dogs!) and head not too far from home to some open space near our secondary airport. Billie has not been walking well around our busy streets so we thought that we could take her to some open space and get her used to walking on the lead where there was nothing to frighten her.

The girls travelled in the back of the wagon together while Rupie was chauffeur driven in the Merc

Rupie got to have a great run off-lead while Mike and I ran around with the girls on lead like a couple of middle-aged duffers!  We can’t believe Billie ‘wouldn’t chase’ when she was trialled as a one year old – she was pretty keen to chase Rupie while he was zooming about!  She would jog along side Mike who was running flat out and then put on a ‘burst’ which was impossible to stay with – amazing to see her  turn of speed.  April and I jogged along behind.  It seemed to do the trick – Billie was so relaxed on our outing that she even did another beautiful poo!

We hope you like the photos of our day out with the family!

Mike walking the ‘girls’

The whole gang (except me, the photographer!) enjoying a day out in the sun.

The elegant and relaxed Aunty April

Billie enjoying her day in the sun

PS Our next post will answer the question “How did the chicken lose its head?” …..